EPISODE #212// Build your Money Mindset with Tricia Kopec


Tricia is a millennial on a mission. Full time you'll find her working in tech sales at Pinterest. In her spare time she's motivating on the bike at Canadian spin studio SPINCO and online encouraging other young women to take control and build a life they love through with financial abundance, a success mindset, and a resilience attitude.

EPISODE #212// Build your Money Mindset with Tricia Kopec


Tricia is a millennial on a mission. Full time you'll find her working in tech sales at Pinterest. In her spare time she's motivating on the bike at Canadian spin studio SPINCO and online encouraging other young women to take control and build a life they love through with financial abundance, a success mindset, and a resilience attitude.



✅ How to start personal development

✅ Tips to mindset shift

✅ How to breakdown your goals



✅ How to start personal development

✅ Tips to mindset shift

✅ How to breakdown your goals

“To accomplish the things you want out of life. It's just a matter of tweaking a few things in your life and starting to change the way that you think

- Tricia

“To accomplish the things you want out of life. It's just a matter of tweaking a few things in your life and starting to change the way that you think

- Tricia



00:00 Welcome back!

01:05 Tricia's life story

02:00 Personal development journey

04:00 Tips to changing your mindset

05:05 Breakdown your goals

06:40 Business tips to follow

09:00 Connect with Tricia!


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/triciakopec/


Text Viktoriia with any feedback or questions to https://api.whatsapp.com

Behind the scenes and more of me on instagram @viktoriia.miracle

Share my experience with crypto and money in my new Telegram channel



00:00 Welcome back!

01:05 Tricia's life story

02:00 Personal development journey

04:00 Tips to changing your mindset

05:05 Breakdown your goals

06:40 Business tips to follow

09:00 Connect with Tricia!


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/triciakopec/


Text Viktoriia with any feedback or questions to https://api.whatsapp.com

Behind the scenes and more of me on Instagram @viktoriia.miracle

Share my experience with crypto and money in my new Telegram channel

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Stay in tune with Happy Community

Sign up so we can stay in touch


[00:00:06] Viktoriia Miracle: Hello, and welcome back to a happy time happy money podcast with Viktoriia Miracle and today we have Tricia Kopec. Tricia is a millennial on the mission. Full time you'll all find her working in tech sales at Pinterest. In her spare time, she is motivating on the bike at Canadian spin studio, Spinco and online encouraging other young woman to take control and build a life their love through finance, through with financial abundance and success mindset and resilience attitude.

[00:00:50] Hi, and welcome Tricia.

[00:00:52] Tricia Kopec: Hi, thanks so much for having me.

[00:00:54] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. Well, I would love to know more about you, what you do and how you started on what you started?

[00:01:02] Tricia Kopec: Yeah, of course. So, I'm probably have a similar story to a lot of people, but my parents came from Poland when they were young and they met here and got married since divorced.

[00:01:12] But when I was growing up, I think they taught me a lot when it comes to resilience and having a strong mindset. But I'd say because of their divorce, there was a lot of always money issues and kind of money struggles and stresses in my family. So I'd say in terms of like a money journey, that's kind of where I came from.

[00:01:29] But yeah, so I grew up in a smaller town outside of Toronto, grew up pretty normal lifestyle. But essentially once I got into university, I was kind of at a point in my life where I knew I had all this motivation, all this passion I'd been working since I was probably 14, 13 years old, murky multiple jobs just because my mom was a single mom trying to support two daughters.

[00:01:49] So I always kind of had this financial stress in the back of my head of there's never enough. You have to work really hard. You have to work multiple jobs in order to make ends meet. But it kinda came to a point in first year university where I knew that there was more and I didn't want to be stressed out all the time.

[00:02:03] And I kind of stumbled upon personal development at that point and I started reading a lot of books, exploring my own, My own limiting beliefs. And I kind of went on this journey, where Tony Robins is a big influence. I went to a few of his conferences. I started really diving in and finding different ways that I could educate myself and learn more about myself.

[00:02:20] And so I finished university in business and in marketing and I got an internship at a marketing agency which I was at for five years, I've kind of keeping that hustle mindset. I was always working multiple jobs. I had this goal of wanting to pay off my student loan, within three years with no excuses.

[00:02:35] So that kind of motivated me to, again, keep working multiple jobs, but just so I didn't have to have that debt hanging over my head. And so over the last few years, I've definitely started to take all of my learnings and amplify them. So recently I moved to Toronto actually a year ago because that's something I always wanted to do kind of weird enough pandemic because we've been shut down as a city for the last year.

[00:02:55] But I didn't let that stop me and then I got a new job at Pinterest, which was always a dream job of mine in sales. And then outside of that, I've always just love educating and talking to women who are motivated and passionate, because I know where I came from. I used to be very lost and very worried all the time to having this totally different mindset and approach to my life and being able to knock off a lot of these goals that may not seem monumental, but that have made a big impact on my life. So just being able to let other people know that you don't need to be this grand famous person to be able to accomplish the things you want out of life. It's just a matter of tweaking a few things in your life and starting to change the way that you think.

[00:03:30] Viktoriia Miracle: Okay. Well, awesome. And so right now you're doing sourcing Pinterest band starting building your more of a educational coaching business. Is that right?

[00:03:41] Tricia Kopec: Yes. Correct. So I, and I also spent instructor, so I've always loved fitness and wellness. And I find that I love motivating people. So I did that to start motivating people on the bike.

[00:03:50] So I've kind of wanted to start to take everything I've learned and apply it in a way, not just from a money mindset perspective, but I'd say from a productivity and career perspective as well. Cause I just find when you're able to find a way to manage your whole life, it really can make a difference in all facets.

[00:04:06] And it, a lot of these practices can be transferable to different areas of your life, as well.

[00:04:11] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. Yeah, well, mindset is everything. And, you know, people say mindset and everything, but this is everything you either though you can push through and make it happen, or you not able to get up off the bed and, you know, just rescheduling your alarms.

[00:04:26] So it does work in all favors. So what is the three things? the things as someone who doesn't know where to start can do?

[00:04:35] Tricia Kopec: Yeah, great question. I know sometimes it can feel overwhelming, which can kind of cause inaction. So I think just being mindful of the fact that overthinking, catching yourself and taking a step back to just take the next simple little step you can think of.

[00:04:48] So I think that's one easy thing. When you're looking at the big picture, it can get very overwhelming. Figuring out, okay, if I was to get from X to Z, or why does Z, how do what's the first thing I would have to do? So I'd say tip number one is break things into chunks and then break them into little mini goals.

[00:05:05] The other piece too, I would say is just start educating yourself. Mindset is such a big thing. It's kind of scary, especially if you've never looked into it, but there's so many books and resources podcasts like this one online where if you just start slow, it's, that's the best way to do it. So I can give you a number of book titles that I started with just from like a very basic personal finance perspective, because I do find knowledge is power.

[00:05:32] Yeah, knowledge is power and I think that's where I started. I didn't know where to start, but I just started listening to different experts and reading different books and I started to implement some of these practices.

[00:05:41] Viktoriia Miracle: So what are the, what are the books that you were saying, you want to recommend?

[00:05:47] Tricia Kopec: Yeah, for sure. So it's interesting from a Canadian perspective, because a lot of the books I've read are American, which is a lot different sometimes in terms of like the tactics you can use, but from a mindset perspective, I say, I Will Teach You to be Rich by Ramit Sethi is a fantastic book. He's kind of like a no BS kind of guy has a podcast too, but he really breaks down money principles.

[00:06:05] The gate, if you're a Canadian Happy Goal Money is a really good book. So I actually have that one right beside me. Tony Robbins also has a couple of books on, on Money and Money Mindset that I recommend. So yeah, I'd say those are a few and I'll definitely link out or I'll give you a few more to give to your readers.

[00:06:23] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. And the third thing is?

[00:06:26] Tricia Kopec: The third thing I would say is be patient with yourself. Things take time. So if you've thought one way for 20, 30, 40 years of your life, it's not going to change in three months. It's not going to change. It's going to take time. So finding different ways to be patient with yourself.

[00:06:44] And I'd say I'm kind of going to throw in a fourth one, but tracking is massive. And that's how I really got started, where I have a spreadsheet. If you follow me on Instagram and message me that I've been using since I started my money journey to really understand what's incoming, what's outgoing where.

[00:07:00] Progressing every single week on my money saving schools. And that really helped motivate me, but also get really real with my finances to understand where am I at? And am I making progress, as to where I want to go?

[00:07:11] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. And the last question that I ask everyone on this podcast is to fill in the blank, sentence for me in this sound like it.

[00:07:20] If you're really knew me, you will know that I am blank.

[00:07:27] Tricia Kopec: I am a routine freak. I love my routine. I love doing things I'm very, very structured, but I also feel like structure sometimes can actually create more freedom at the end of the day. So I find my boyfriend makes fun of me that I'm way too structured, but it works.

[00:07:44] Viktoriia Miracle: Oh, well, I am also writing, you know, I just went for a vacation for three weeks, so it's Russia. And then I'd like the, the second week already. I'm like, I wanted to go back to my farmer's market on Sunday. I went to do my on Monday morning. I want to do this and this and it's just, it's just so freeing because everything every other time and I highly recommend to everybody gets a routine that it doesn't have to be exactly the same every day, but it has to like include in the week, something that is your body and your soul needs. Like for me, it's yoga or going to farmer's market and are there a time that you take the pressure off and you feed your creativity?

[00:08:23] It's like Tricia said, it's freedom because then you, you have that free mind. You don't think and choose everyday. What are you going to do? And it's just so much more easier to get things done.

[00:08:34] Tricia Kopec: Exactly. Yeah. I've heard somebody say like, people think, oh, well, if you're so structured, you don't allow any spontaneity into your life, but it's actually the opposite because when you're structured, And you, you put in the things that are important to you and you wake up to your point, it's automatic, you get it done, you do the things that are best for you.

[00:08:51] You can actually have more time for spontaneity because they're not wasting time deciding what's the next thing I'm going to do. What's my plan for later today or what's my, oh, let's use a, what am I going to do in a week or two weeks from now? So yeah, it's definitely a brilliant.

[00:09:06] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. And as you mentioned, you can find Tricia on Instagram.

[00:09:11] So you have an awesome budgeting spreadsheet, as you remember for you there. And if you go down, scroll, whatever, you're watching this or listening to scroll down to description, there is a link to get you through a web page of this episode, with the video, audio and doing everything can share with your friends as well.

[00:09:30] There's all links that were mentioned in this episode and thank you so much for listening. And I have pushed you to have an amazing day. I see tomorrow by Tricia and bye everybody.

[00:09:42] Tricia Kopec: Thanks so much.


[00:00:06] Viktoriia Miracle: Hello, and welcome back to a happy time happy money podcast with Viktoriia Miracle and today we have Tricia Kopec. Tricia is a millennial on the mission. Full time you'll all find her working in tech sales at Pinterest. In her spare time, she is motivating on the bike at Canadian spin studio, Spinco and online encouraging other young woman to take control and build a life their love through finance, through with financial abundance and success mindset and resilience attitude.

[00:00:50] Hi, and welcome Tricia.

[00:00:52] Tricia Kopec: Hi, thanks so much for having me.

[00:00:54] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. Well, I would love to know more about you, what you do and how you started on what you started?

[00:01:02] Tricia Kopec: Yeah, of course. So, I'm probably have a similar story to a lot of people, but my parents came from Poland when they were young and they met here and got married since divorced.

[00:01:12] But when I was growing up, I think they taught me a lot when it comes to resilience and having a strong mindset. But I'd say because of their divorce, there was a lot of always money issues and kind of money struggles and stresses in my family. So I'd say in terms of like a money journey, that's kind of where I came from.

[00:01:29] But yeah, so I grew up in a smaller town outside of Toronto, grew up pretty normal lifestyle. But essentially once I got into university, I was kind of at a point in my life where I knew I had all this motivation, all this passion I'd been working since I was probably 14, 13 years old, murky multiple jobs just because my mom was a single mom trying to support two daughters.

[00:01:49] So I always kind of had this financial stress in the back of my head of there's never enough. You have to work really hard. You have to work multiple jobs in order to make ends meet. But it kinda came to a point in first year university where I knew that there was more and I didn't want to be stressed out all the time.

[00:02:03] And I kind of stumbled upon personal development at that point and I started reading a lot of books, exploring my own, My own limiting beliefs. And I kind of went on this journey, where Tony Robins is a big influence. I went to a few of his conferences. I started really diving in and finding different ways that I could educate myself and learn more about myself.

[00:02:20] And so I finished university in business and in marketing and I got an internship at a marketing agency which I was at for five years, I've kind of keeping that hustle mindset. I was always working multiple jobs. I had this goal of wanting to pay off my student loan, within three years with no excuses.

[00:02:35] So that kind of motivated me to, again, keep working multiple jobs, but just so I didn't have to have that debt hanging over my head. And so over the last few years, I've definitely started to take all of my learnings and amplify them. So recently I moved to Toronto actually a year ago because that's something I always wanted to do kind of weird enough pandemic because we've been shut down as a city for the last year.

[00:02:55] But I didn't let that stop me and then I got a new job at Pinterest, which was always a dream job of mine in sales. And then outside of that, I've always just love educating and talking to women who are motivated and passionate, because I know where I came from. I used to be very lost and very worried all the time to having this totally different mindset and approach to my life and being able to knock off a lot of these goals that may not seem monumental, but that have made a big impact on my life. So just being able to let other people know that you don't need to be this grand famous person to be able to accomplish the things you want out of life. It's just a matter of tweaking a few things in your life and starting to change the way that you think.

[00:03:30] Viktoriia Miracle: Okay. Well, awesome. And so right now you're doing sourcing Pinterest band starting building your more of a educational coaching business. Is that right?

[00:03:41] Tricia Kopec: Yes. Correct. So I, and I also spent instructor, so I've always loved fitness and wellness. And I find that I love motivating people. So I did that to start motivating people on the bike.

[00:03:50] So I've kind of wanted to start to take everything I've learned and apply it in a way, not just from a money mindset perspective, but I'd say from a productivity and career perspective as well. Cause I just find when you're able to find a way to manage your whole life, it really can make a difference in all facets.

[00:04:06] And it, a lot of these practices can be transferable to different areas of your life, as well.

[00:04:11] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. Yeah, well, mindset is everything. And, you know, people say mindset and everything, but this is everything you either though you can push through and make it happen, or you not able to get up off the bed and, you know, just rescheduling your alarms.

[00:04:26] So it does work in all favors. So what is the three things? the things as someone who doesn't know where to start can do?

[00:04:35] Tricia Kopec: Yeah, great question. I know sometimes it can feel overwhelming, which can kind of cause inaction. So I think just being mindful of the fact that overthinking, catching yourself and taking a step back to just take the next simple little step you can think of.

[00:04:48] So I think that's one easy thing. When you're looking at the big picture, it can get very overwhelming. Figuring out, okay, if I was to get from X to Z, or why does Z, how do what's the first thing I would have to do? So I'd say tip number one is break things into chunks and then break them into little mini goals.

[00:05:05] The other piece too, I would say is just start educating yourself. Mindset is such a big thing. It's kind of scary, especially if you've never looked into it, but there's so many books and resources podcasts like this one online where if you just start slow, it's, that's the best way to do it. So I can give you a number of book titles that I started with just from like a very basic personal finance perspective, because I do find knowledge is power.

[00:05:32] Yeah, knowledge is power and I think that's where I started. I didn't know where to start, but I just started listening to different experts and reading different books and I started to implement some of these practices.

[00:05:41] Viktoriia Miracle: So what are the, what are the books that you were saying, you want to recommend?

[00:05:47] Tricia Kopec: Yeah, for sure. So it's interesting from a Canadian perspective, because a lot of the books I've read are American, which is a lot different sometimes in terms of like the tactics you can use, but from a mindset perspective, I say, I Will Teach You to be Rich by Ramit Sethi is a fantastic book. He's kind of like a no BS kind of guy has a podcast too, but he really breaks down money principles.

[00:06:05] The gate, if you're a Canadian Happy Goal Money is a really good book. So I actually have that one right beside me. Tony Robbins also has a couple of books on, on Money and Money Mindset that I recommend. So yeah, I'd say those are a few and I'll definitely link out or I'll give you a few more to give to your readers.

[00:06:23] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. And the third thing is?

[00:06:26] Tricia Kopec: The third thing I would say is be patient with yourself. Things take time. So if you've thought one way for 20, 30, 40 years of your life, it's not going to change in three months. It's not going to change. It's going to take time. So finding different ways to be patient with yourself.

[00:06:44] And I'd say I'm kind of going to throw in a fourth one, but tracking is massive. And that's how I really got started, where I have a spreadsheet. If you follow me on Instagram and message me that I've been using since I started my money journey to really understand what's incoming, what's outgoing where.

[00:07:00] Progressing every single week on my money saving schools. And that really helped motivate me, but also get really real with my finances to understand where am I at? And am I making progress, as to where I want to go?

[00:07:11] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. And the last question that I ask everyone on this podcast is to fill in the blank, sentence for me in this sound like it.

[00:07:20] If you're really knew me, you will know that I am blank.

[00:07:27] Tricia Kopec: I am a routine freak. I love my routine. I love doing things I'm very, very structured, but I also feel like structure sometimes can actually create more freedom at the end of the day. So I find my boyfriend makes fun of me that I'm way too structured, but it works.

[00:07:44] Viktoriia Miracle: Oh, well, I am also writing, you know, I just went for a vacation for three weeks, so it's Russia. And then I'd like the, the second week already. I'm like, I wanted to go back to my farmer's market on Sunday. I went to do my on Monday morning. I want to do this and this and it's just, it's just so freeing because everything every other time and I highly recommend to everybody gets a routine that it doesn't have to be exactly the same every day, but it has to like include in the week, something that is your body and your soul needs. Like for me, it's yoga or going to farmer's market and are there a time that you take the pressure off and you feed your creativity?

[00:08:23] It's like Tricia said, it's freedom because then you, you have that free mind. You don't think and choose everyday. What are you going to do? And it's just so much more easier to get things done.

[00:08:34] Tricia Kopec: Exactly. Yeah. I've heard somebody say like, people think, oh, well, if you're so structured, you don't allow any spontaneity into your life, but it's actually the opposite because when you're structured, And you, you put in the things that are important to you and you wake up to your point, it's automatic, you get it done, you do the things that are best for you.

[00:08:51] You can actually have more time for spontaneity because they're not wasting time deciding what's the next thing I'm going to do. What's my plan for later today or what's my, oh, let's use a, what am I going to do in a week or two weeks from now? So yeah, it's definitely a brilliant.

[00:09:06] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. And as you mentioned, you can find Tricia on Instagram.

[00:09:11] So you have an awesome budgeting spreadsheet, as you remember for you there. And if you go down, scroll, whatever, you're watching this or listening to scroll down to description, there is a link to get you through a web page of this episode, with the video, audio and doing everything can share with your friends as well.

[00:09:30] There's all links that were mentioned in this episode and thank you so much for listening. And I have pushed you to have an amazing day. I see tomorrow by Tricia and bye everybody.

[00:09:42] Tricia Kopec: Thanks so much.