EPISODE #205// Money Mindset and Limiting Beliefs with Scottie Taylor Jr


Scottie Taylor Jr. is a Money Mindset Coach and professional Financial Advisor. Scottie's goal is to unlock a client's personal potential, explore and improve their relationship with money, and ultimately, earn more money. Scottie helps his clients work through limiting beliefs, elevate their mindset, and, as he once did, take those crucial next steps toward working less, earning more, and living with more abundance.

EPISODE #205// Money Mindset and Limiting Beliefs with Scottie Taylor Jr


Scottie Taylor Jr. is a Money Mindset Coach and professional Financial Advisor. Scottie's goal is to unlock a client's personal potential, explore and improve their relationship with money, and ultimately, earn more money. Scottie helps his clients work through limiting beliefs, elevate their mindset, and, as he once did, take those crucial next steps toward working less, earning more, and living with more abundance.



✅ Transform your money mindset

✅ Money habits to adopt

✅  How to shift your mindset



✅ Transform your money mindset

✅ Money habits to adopt

✅  How to shift your mindset

“Shifting your money mindset is understanding that your experience with money is one that you can create yourself

- Scottie

“Shifting your money mindset is understanding that your experience with money is one that you can create yourself




00:00 Welcome back!

01:00 Scottie's career journey

03:00 Changing belief system

05:10 Transform your money mindset

07:00 Money habits to adopt

09:05 Allow yourself to accept money

10:10 Free masterclass to scale your business!


Free gift: https://scotttaylor873.lpages.co/free-masterclass/

Website: https://www.scottietaylorjr.com

Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2oUgEeL7nPZz66eWZ6ipG0?si=Be7JDDucQ7yvcvzRMsqYow&dl_branch=1&nd=1


Text Viktoriia with any feedback or questions to https://api.whatsapp.com

Behind the scenes and more of me on instagram @viktoriia.miracle

Share my experience with crypto and money in my new Telegram channel



00:00 Welcome back!

01:00 Scottie's career journey

03:00 Changing belief system

05:10 Transform your money mindset

07:00 Money habits to adopt

09:05 Allow yourself to accept money

10:10 Free masterclass to scale your business!


Free gift: https://scotttaylor873.lpages.co/free-masterclass/

Website: https://www.scottietaylorjr.com

Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2oUgEeL7nPZz66eWZ6ipG0?si=Be7JDDucQ7yvcvzRMsqYow&dl_branch=1&nd=1


Text Viktoriia with any feedback or questions to https://api.whatsapp.com

Behind the scenes and more of me on Instagram @viktoriia.miracle

Share my experience with crypto and money in my new Telegram channel

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Stay in tune with Happy Community

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[00:00:06] Viktoriia Miracle: Hello. Hello and welcome to our happy time happy money podcast and today we have Scottie Taylor. Scottie is a money mindset coach and professional financial advisor, Scottie's goal is to unlock a client's personal potential, explore and improve the relationship with money and ultimately earn more money.

[00:00:30] Scotty helps his client work through limiting beliefs, elevate their mindset and as he once did take those crucial next steps toward working less, earning more and leaving with more abundance. Hi and welcome Scottie.

[00:00:48] Scottie Taylor Jr: Thank you so much. I am super excited to be here.

[00:00:51] Viktoriia Miracle: Super excited to hear more about you and what you do will tell me more about you first?

[00:00:57] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, everybody I'm Scottie Taylor Jr. So I'm a money mindset coach. I also run a financial planning business and kind of where this start, where this whole journey started was I was actually in corporate America. So I lived in New York for many years in corporate America. And really thinking that was like the pinnacle of success. I hit six figures. I was working my butt off. Like if anybody knows New York culture, it's like work and grind culture. And I was working like 70 hours a week, burning myself out. And I remember sitting in my cubicle on a thursday afternoon in New York when it was like spring summer.

[00:01:40] And you know, again, like really beautiful time, right. It's just like so wonderful. And the, the, actually I'm so sorry, my dog Walker just got here.

[00:01:53] Viktoriia Miracle: Okay.

[00:01:54] Scottie Taylor Jr: Okay. Dog Walker is out of the way. Sorry about that. I have a seven month old golden retriever and she takes a lot of energy. So I was in New York and I was in my cubicle and there was no window.

[00:02:05] And if anybody knows New York summers, it's like the epitome of like beautiful, beautifulness, right. You just like want to be outside and you want to be living your life. And I finished all my work and I was sitting there in my cube and I was like, What do I do now? And it was 3:00 PM and I felt like this might sound dramatic, but I felt like my soul was just like dying.

[00:02:25] I was like, I guess something has to change. I have to do something differently. So that wasn't like my biggest aha moment after that experience. And kind of coincidentally, at the same time, my mom actually got sick and passed away and it was this whole catalyst of change for me. So I was like, I need to do something different.

[00:02:42] I quit my job. I moved to Latin America. I learned Spanish. I backpacked, I did like an eat, pray, love adventure, except there was really no love. It was more like just eat, pray and learn Spanish. And I started my business and I started the entrepreneurial route back in 2015, 2016 timeframe. But what I, what I realized was, although I had changed what I was doing, although I changed where I was, I didn't change my mindset.

[00:03:10] And so I still believe that there was hard work and struggle and stress required for success. And so, even though I started a business and I was working, working, working not much was actually changing and I wasn't making more money. And that's when I kind of really dug deep into the whole idea of money, mindset shifts and changing your life and elevating.

[00:03:30] And that's really what I help clients with today kind of like get over that, that struggle, that burnout and get to a place where money can just come in easily.

[00:03:40] Viktoriia Miracle: I love it. Oh my gosh. Your story just resonates absolutely with me, I was in the spring and in home and they're like, oh my gosh. So anyway, the listeners know my story.

[00:03:51] So what is a basic, I mean, money mindset is very important, right. But like, let's just open it up a little bit like what it is? Well, how does exactly it look like? Like what, what is it you do?

[00:04:04] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah. So the way that I describe it for people who are like, what, how can I even improve my money mindset? Right. The first thing that I talked to clients about is understand that every thought you have, and every belief you have is created by you and adopted by you unconsciously or consciously. So to put it in context, when you're growing up, if your parents fought about money, as my parents did, I believe that struggle and, and arguments would come. If we talked about money, like if I talked about money with my friends or with a partner, when I was going on a date, And so these belief systems that we adopt when we're younger, cause we're like sponges.

[00:04:44] They stick with us for years and years and years. And so what that really ultimately comes down to is, is the idea of, is this belief system when it comes to money or success, is it serving me anymore? Right. It may have helped you for a period of time, but if you think that a lot of hard work is required to make money.

[00:05:04] That'll get you to a place where you're making money, but you will probably be pretty burnt out at the same time. And so the idea of shifting your money mindset is understanding that your experience with money is one that you can create yourself. You can allow money to come in. You can allow money to support you.

[00:05:24] And the first step is identifying and recognizing that these are all belief systems. So when we talk about money mindset, you can think of it like a relationship with a partner or the family member. You know, maybe like one of those family members that you don't really get along with super well, you kind of argue with, right?

[00:05:39] You want to transform it into one of support and peace and calm and mutual respect. Right? You don't want to treat it as like a, an abusive lover where you're like, you're like, come back. No, I need you. I want you, right like you don't want to create that type of energy. And that's really what it comes down to is really what money mindset is kind of like encapsulated.

[00:06:02] One more thing on this that I think is helpful. When you do transform your relationship with money. Imagine feeling stress-free about money. Imagine not being anxious about money. Imagine paying your bills and not feeling any weirdness or guilt or anxiety. Imagine money coming in and your like well, duh, of course money's coming in like there's no other way for it to be. That's what shifting your mindset can do. And if that, if you are listening to this and you're like, wow, that sounds good. I want that. Then you know that you have an opportunity to change your money mindset and improve it in a way that you truly want it to be.

[00:06:41] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. Okay. So I would love to know, I see you're working with right. A lot of belief systems, like what is the top three belief systems that are like, oh my gosh, that every one, pretty much habit.

[00:06:56] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah. So one of the biggest ones that I see very very, very often is really the idea that hard work is required for money right now.

[00:07:07] Hard work. Yes.

[00:07:14] If anybody here

[00:07:14] Viktoriia Miracle: only New York has that belief, I believe.

[00:07:19] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah. LA doesn't quite have that same belief. Right. Um, but if you, so if you think that hard workers required for money to come in. I mean that you necessarily immediately correlate like, oh, I have to work really hard to make money, but you could feel some feelings of, you know, feeling the need to always be busy.

[00:07:40] Like I always have to be doing something. I always have to do something or if somebody tries to pay you and you don't feel like you really put in enough time and energy, you find ways of doing extra stuff or you do a lot of busy work instead of doing stuff, that's going to actually make you money in a business.

[00:07:56] Right. Those are all ways it can manifest. And that one is very, very popular one that is also extremely relevant and popular. Popular is maybe not a good word for it, but one that's very pervasive is the idea that money is limited. And that really manifests in a lot of fear and anxiety around money. Like if you pay your bills or if your credit card gets a little higher one month and you're thinking like, shoot, can I really mess this whole thing up?

[00:08:23] Am I really gonna not be able to have enough money to pay my bills and to feed my family and things like that. And feeling like money is limited and that it can't flow to you. That's another big one that people feel. And the idea that money is evil, is I'm just recently watching Squid Game on Netflix, which is like, all about like, I don't know if you're familiar with it, but it's like all about how these people have massive debts.

[00:08:48] And they're like doing all these crazy things for money. Like money in most movies is portrayed as this like terrible like demon and like it's evil to want money. I don't think people think that consciously, but I do think that they think that like very wealthy people are greedy or selfish or they're somehow impacting other people around you.

[00:09:11] And the truth is like the more money you have, the more of a blessing you can be to the people around you. And if you feel any type of, any type of belief that money is evil or, or you're selfish and wanting money. You're going to prevent yourself from making more money because who wants to feel like a selfish person or, or an evil person, right. Those are really the top three. I kind of like dug into each one of them, but I see those all the time, both consciously and unconsciously.

[00:09:40] Viktoriia Miracle: Right. And the last question that I always ask in this podcast, can you fill in the blank for me? And it sounded like this. If you really knew me, you will know that I am blank

[00:09:56] Scottie Taylor Jr: a total goofball, total goofball.

[00:10:00] I'm just really fun, loving, and I, and I just think that life should be easy and it can be easy if you just allow it to be.

[00:10:08] Viktoriia Miracle: Yes, absolutely. I know you have on the amazing gift, share with us what it is?

[00:10:13] Scottie Taylor Jr: I do. Yes. So I help a lot of entrepreneurs scale their business, make more money, feel more at peace with money.

[00:10:20] So I actually have a free masterclass that I offer and the link is in the show notes. And it's my top three secrets on how to scale your business. I use these tools to go from $5,000. So $25,000 a month while working only three days a week nowadays. So I only work three days a week now. I'm making over $400,000 a year, which is on my journey to a million I'm getting closer and closer and really I go into these three topics in that master class, and those are completely free.

[00:10:50] Viktoriia Miracle: Oh, absolutely. And if you're watching or listening, just scroll down, doesn't matter. That's going to be linked to our web episodes, that page, and you will find all the links that we mentioned above and all the links to connect with Scottie or me and please leave a review or rate us if you're listening or subscribe, if you're watching and that will keep us going. Thank you so much for coming over and sharing your wisdom with us today from awesome warm Florida.

[00:11:23] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah. Come on down. Thank you for having me. You're amazing and I so much appreciate it.

[00:11:29] Viktoriia Miracle: All right. And I'll see you the next episode. Bye everybody.


[00:00:06] Viktoriia Miracle: Hello. Hello and welcome to our happy time happy money podcast and today we have Scottie Taylor. Scottie is a money mindset coach and professional financial advisor, Scottie's goal is to unlock a client's personal potential, explore and improve the relationship with money and ultimately earn more money.

[00:00:30] Scotty helps his client work through limiting beliefs, elevate their mindset and as he once did take those crucial next steps toward working less, earning more and leaving with more abundance. Hi and welcome Scottie.

[00:00:48] Scottie Taylor Jr: Thank you so much. I am super excited to be here.

[00:00:51] Viktoriia Miracle: Super excited to hear more about you and what you do will tell me more about you first?

[00:00:57] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, everybody I'm Scottie Taylor Jr. So I'm a money mindset coach. I also run a financial planning business and kind of where this start, where this whole journey started was I was actually in corporate America. So I lived in New York for many years in corporate America. And really thinking that was like the pinnacle of success. I hit six figures. I was working my butt off. Like if anybody knows New York culture, it's like work and grind culture. And I was working like 70 hours a week, burning myself out. And I remember sitting in my cubicle on a thursday afternoon in New York when it was like spring summer.

[00:01:40] And you know, again, like really beautiful time, right. It's just like so wonderful. And the, the, actually I'm so sorry, my dog Walker just got here.

[00:01:53] Viktoriia Miracle: Okay.

[00:01:54] Scottie Taylor Jr: Okay. Dog Walker is out of the way. Sorry about that. I have a seven month old golden retriever and she takes a lot of energy. So I was in New York and I was in my cubicle and there was no window.

[00:02:05] And if anybody knows New York summers, it's like the epitome of like beautiful, beautifulness, right. You just like want to be outside and you want to be living your life. And I finished all my work and I was sitting there in my cube and I was like, What do I do now? And it was 3:00 PM and I felt like this might sound dramatic, but I felt like my soul was just like dying.

[00:02:25] I was like, I guess something has to change. I have to do something differently. So that wasn't like my biggest aha moment after that experience. And kind of coincidentally, at the same time, my mom actually got sick and passed away and it was this whole catalyst of change for me. So I was like, I need to do something different.

[00:02:42] I quit my job. I moved to Latin America. I learned Spanish. I backpacked, I did like an eat, pray, love adventure, except there was really no love. It was more like just eat, pray and learn Spanish. And I started my business and I started the entrepreneurial route back in 2015, 2016 timeframe. But what I, what I realized was, although I had changed what I was doing, although I changed where I was, I didn't change my mindset.

[00:03:10] And so I still believe that there was hard work and struggle and stress required for success. And so, even though I started a business and I was working, working, working not much was actually changing and I wasn't making more money. And that's when I kind of really dug deep into the whole idea of money, mindset shifts and changing your life and elevating.

[00:03:30] And that's really what I help clients with today kind of like get over that, that struggle, that burnout and get to a place where money can just come in easily.

[00:03:40] Viktoriia Miracle: I love it. Oh my gosh. Your story just resonates absolutely with me, I was in the spring and in home and they're like, oh my gosh. So anyway, the listeners know my story.

[00:03:51] So what is a basic, I mean, money mindset is very important, right. But like, let's just open it up a little bit like what it is? Well, how does exactly it look like? Like what, what is it you do?

[00:04:04] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah. So the way that I describe it for people who are like, what, how can I even improve my money mindset? Right. The first thing that I talked to clients about is understand that every thought you have, and every belief you have is created by you and adopted by you unconsciously or consciously. So to put it in context, when you're growing up, if your parents fought about money, as my parents did, I believe that struggle and, and arguments would come. If we talked about money, like if I talked about money with my friends or with a partner, when I was going on a date, And so these belief systems that we adopt when we're younger, cause we're like sponges.

[00:04:44] They stick with us for years and years and years. And so what that really ultimately comes down to is, is the idea of, is this belief system when it comes to money or success, is it serving me anymore? Right. It may have helped you for a period of time, but if you think that a lot of hard work is required to make money.

[00:05:04] That'll get you to a place where you're making money, but you will probably be pretty burnt out at the same time. And so the idea of shifting your money mindset is understanding that your experience with money is one that you can create yourself. You can allow money to come in. You can allow money to support you.

[00:05:24] And the first step is identifying and recognizing that these are all belief systems. So when we talk about money mindset, you can think of it like a relationship with a partner or the family member. You know, maybe like one of those family members that you don't really get along with super well, you kind of argue with, right?

[00:05:39] You want to transform it into one of support and peace and calm and mutual respect. Right? You don't want to treat it as like a, an abusive lover where you're like, you're like, come back. No, I need you. I want you, right like you don't want to create that type of energy. And that's really what it comes down to is really what money mindset is kind of like encapsulated.

[00:06:02] One more thing on this that I think is helpful. When you do transform your relationship with money. Imagine feeling stress-free about money. Imagine not being anxious about money. Imagine paying your bills and not feeling any weirdness or guilt or anxiety. Imagine money coming in and your like well, duh, of course money's coming in like there's no other way for it to be. That's what shifting your mindset can do. And if that, if you are listening to this and you're like, wow, that sounds good. I want that. Then you know that you have an opportunity to change your money mindset and improve it in a way that you truly want it to be.

[00:06:41] Viktoriia Miracle: Absolutely. Okay. So I would love to know, I see you're working with right. A lot of belief systems, like what is the top three belief systems that are like, oh my gosh, that every one, pretty much habit.

[00:06:56] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah. So one of the biggest ones that I see very very, very often is really the idea that hard work is required for money right now.

[00:07:07] Hard work. Yes.

[00:07:14] If anybody here

[00:07:14] Viktoriia Miracle: only New York has that belief, I believe.

[00:07:19] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah. LA doesn't quite have that same belief. Right. Um, but if you, so if you think that hard workers required for money to come in. I mean that you necessarily immediately correlate like, oh, I have to work really hard to make money, but you could feel some feelings of, you know, feeling the need to always be busy.

[00:07:40] Like I always have to be doing something. I always have to do something or if somebody tries to pay you and you don't feel like you really put in enough time and energy, you find ways of doing extra stuff or you do a lot of busy work instead of doing stuff, that's going to actually make you money in a business.

[00:07:56] Right. Those are all ways it can manifest. And that one is very, very popular one that is also extremely relevant and popular. Popular is maybe not a good word for it, but one that's very pervasive is the idea that money is limited. And that really manifests in a lot of fear and anxiety around money. Like if you pay your bills or if your credit card gets a little higher one month and you're thinking like, shoot, can I really mess this whole thing up?

[00:08:23] Am I really gonna not be able to have enough money to pay my bills and to feed my family and things like that. And feeling like money is limited and that it can't flow to you. That's another big one that people feel. And the idea that money is evil, is I'm just recently watching Squid Game on Netflix, which is like, all about like, I don't know if you're familiar with it, but it's like all about how these people have massive debts.

[00:08:48] And they're like doing all these crazy things for money. Like money in most movies is portrayed as this like terrible like demon and like it's evil to want money. I don't think people think that consciously, but I do think that they think that like very wealthy people are greedy or selfish or they're somehow impacting other people around you.

[00:09:11] And the truth is like the more money you have, the more of a blessing you can be to the people around you. And if you feel any type of, any type of belief that money is evil or, or you're selfish and wanting money. You're going to prevent yourself from making more money because who wants to feel like a selfish person or, or an evil person, right. Those are really the top three. I kind of like dug into each one of them, but I see those all the time, both consciously and unconsciously.

[00:09:40] Viktoriia Miracle: Right. And the last question that I always ask in this podcast, can you fill in the blank for me? And it sounded like this. If you really knew me, you will know that I am blank

[00:09:56] Scottie Taylor Jr: a total goofball, total goofball.

[00:10:00] I'm just really fun, loving, and I, and I just think that life should be easy and it can be easy if you just allow it to be.

[00:10:08] Viktoriia Miracle: Yes, absolutely. I know you have on the amazing gift, share with us what it is?

[00:10:13] Scottie Taylor Jr: I do. Yes. So I help a lot of entrepreneurs scale their business, make more money, feel more at peace with money.

[00:10:20] So I actually have a free masterclass that I offer and the link is in the show notes. And it's my top three secrets on how to scale your business. I use these tools to go from $5,000. So $25,000 a month while working only three days a week nowadays. So I only work three days a week now. I'm making over $400,000 a year, which is on my journey to a million I'm getting closer and closer and really I go into these three topics in that master class, and those are completely free.

[00:10:50] Viktoriia Miracle: Oh, absolutely. And if you're watching or listening, just scroll down, doesn't matter. That's going to be linked to our web episodes, that page, and you will find all the links that we mentioned above and all the links to connect with Scottie or me and please leave a review or rate us if you're listening or subscribe, if you're watching and that will keep us going. Thank you so much for coming over and sharing your wisdom with us today from awesome warm Florida.

[00:11:23] Scottie Taylor Jr: Yeah. Come on down. Thank you for having me. You're amazing and I so much appreciate it.

[00:11:29] Viktoriia Miracle: All right. And I'll see you the next episode. Bye everybody.