EPISODE #185// Money & Our Emotions with Saran Robinson


Saran is a Certified Money Coach who is passionate about helping individuals to achieve financial goals and understand how their emotions affects their money.

Through her work, she helps millennials and women to understand and transform their relationship with money and to bring awareness to unconscious patterns and behaviors around money.

EPISODE #185// Money & Our Emotions with Saran Robinson


Saran is a Certified Money Coach who is passionate about helping individuals to achieve financial goals and understand how their emotions affects their money.

Through her work, she helps millennials and women to understand and transform their relationship with money and to bring awareness to unconscious patterns and behaviors around money.



✅ Money mistakes to avoid

✅ How to build money relationship

✅ Understand money patterns



✅ Money mistakes to avoid

✅ How to build money relationship

✅ Understand money patterns

“Your money history impacts your money decisions today

- Saran

“Your money history impacts your money decisions today

- Saran



00:00 Welcome back!

01:10 Money coach career path

03:00 Understanding money patterns

04:24 Building a strong financial path

05:00 How to change your emotions

06:10 Top money mistakes to avoid

07:30 Free E-book from Saran to you!


Website: http://thebudgetari.com

Free gift: https://thebudgetari.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Eight-Money-Types-Ebook.pdf

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebudgetari/


Text Viktoriia with any feedback or questions to https://api.whatsapp.com

Behind the scenes and more of me on instagram @viktoriia.miracle

Share my experience with crypto and money in my new Telegram channel



00:00 Welcome back!

01:10 Money coach career path

03:00 Understanding money patterns

04:24 Building a strong financial path

05:00 How to change your emotions

06:10 Top money mistakes to avoid

07:30 Free E-book from Saran to you!


Website: http://thebudgetari.com

Free gift: https://thebudgetari.com/wp-


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebudgetari/


Text Viktoriia with any feedback or questions to https://api.whatsapp.com

Behind the scenes and more of me on Instagram @viktoriia.miracle

Share my experience with crypto and money in my new Telegram channel

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Stay in tune with Happy Community

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[00:00:06] Viktoriia Miracle: Hello. Hello and welcome to happy time happy money podcast and today we have Saran Robinson. Saran is a certified money coach who is passionate about helping individuals to achieve financial goals and understand how their emotions affect their money. Through her work. She helps millennials and women to understand in transform their relationship with money and to bring awareness to unconscious patterns and behaviors around money.

[00:00:37] Hi, and welcome Saran.

[00:00:39] Saran Robinson: Hi, Viktoriia. Thanks for having me.

[00:00:42] Viktoriia Miracle: Oh thanks for coming over. I would love to learn like your story, how you started and then that beautiful, beautiful girl.

[00:00:52] Saran Robinson: Yeah, sure. So wow. Who is Saran? So by day I'm a project manager in the financial services industry and my latest endeavor, which is my passion project have you kept the money coach. So with this, I pretty much, sorry, lost my train of thought there.

[00:01:14] Viktoriia Miracle: That's fine. So just tell us what, how did you come to do what you do right now? What inspired you to do what you're doing right now?

[00:01:22] Saran Robinson: Okay. So yeah, so I pretty much bumped into money coaching. I was just online research and I've always been very passionate about being smart with my money, making sure I was making the right choices with my money.

[00:01:36] I always, always had a budget, but for some reason I was never never able to stick to my budget. So I would always have a monthly budget, but I'd always overspend I'd always be going out shopping when I probably shouldn't. And so, I just started to read up online. I came across an article about a Mike Kosher.

[00:01:56] I was like, oh wow, this sounds exactly like something I would love to do. And so I started to do some more research and I found out about program where you were able to do like the money coaching program, but it was behavioral focused. So that to me was so different because typically when we talk about money, it's always about budgets or paying off debt.

[00:02:17] But with this one, it was able to focus more on your past. What happened to you as a child or what money experiences did you have as a child that's not impacting the way you be with money. And so of course I signed up for it and it was like the best decision ever, because even though I was trying to be smart with the money I had so many unconscious limiting beliefs or mindset, my mindset around money was just so I'm off, so to speak. So I wasn't able to achieve what I would've wanted to achieve because I had these limiting beliefs holding me back. And so that's why now I'm so passionate about really sharing my coaching with others so that they can understand what might be holding them back as well as to understand their past and how that impacts how they behave with money.

[00:03:13] Viktoriia Miracle: Wow. That's awesome. I've never heard anyone speaking from that perspective about money. I know that people say, okay, your past is important. What your parents told you, it's important on how like you grow up. It's important, but like emotions. So what does role, what emotions. Like, how would it, how it is shows up in our lives?

[00:03:35] Saran Robinson: So the thing is when it comes to money, we don't typically operate from a rational perspective. We tend to be more emotional and so that's the way how our brain sees money. It's almost as though it sees it from like, oh, it's what I want or what I desire. And so when you're out shopping or you're having a bad day, then you go and you do emotional shopping because at this point you're not being rational. You know, you probably shouldn't be doing it, but here you are nonetheless out spending money or you're out shopping when you shouldn't be, because we, money is really emotional and that's the way that we behave with it. If that makes sense.

[00:04:20] Viktoriia Miracle: So why is it also important to understand our path and history from that perspective?

[00:04:27] Saran Robinson: So research has shown that, kids, we develop most of her patterns between two to 12. And so the way you behave now today with the money, you probably inherited these from your parents. And for a lot of us, we have money stories based off our experiences, what our family might have said to us, our, how we probably saw our parents managing money.

[00:04:50] And we have these unconscious behaviors best to deciding how you behave with money. So for example, with some kids, they might grow up in a home where their mom was are their parents. They were very frugal. And so they might grow up into the total opposite. I spend the money because they felt as though for so long, they were being restrained.

[00:05:11] And so now they're doing the opposite and they're not realizing what's triggering them to be behaving in that manner. And so that's why I think it's so important to highlight what exactly is your past and what has happened to your own money and the beliefs that you have around money. And once you're aware of that, then you can truly change because when you try to address just what's happened such as, oh, I'm in debt or, oh, I need to save more money or when you do that, it's more like, you're just, that's just a symptom of the problem is not the real problem. And so it's really important to address the root reason that's causing me to behave this way with money.

[00:05:53] Viktoriia Miracle: I love that. So what is the number one mistake that you see people make in relation to money?

[00:06:02] Saran Robinson: The number one mistake I see people making in relation to money,

[00:06:10] I would say it's not understanding your history. Not knowing your money history. And so, as a result, for example, I think delayed gratification. It's a big one. I know that was, that's also something that I had struggled with for a while where I said I saw something I felt as though I should have it. And that's something that I think we definitely need to work on as a society.

[00:06:33] And save towards something, not because you can just swipe your credit card, but it's important to also be able to save and not put yourself in debt just because you want something now in the moment and so I think the delayed gratification would be a big one.

[00:06:49] Viktoriia Miracle: Awesome. And the last question I have for you that I always ask on this podcast is the fill in the blank question.

[00:06:56] So filling the blank for me. If you really knew me, you will know that I am blank.

[00:07:06] Saran Robinson: If you really knew me, then you would know that I am fun. I can be goofy and I absolutely love people. I love to do work that impacts people and to be able to make a difference or to make their lives better.

[00:07:25] Viktoriia Miracle: Thank you so much for sharing. And I know you have a free gift for our audience today. Can you share more about it?

[00:07:32] Saran Robinson: Yeah. Sure. So I'm my, if you go to my website, the budgetary.com, I do have a free ebook that has the eight money archetypes. And what this does is it gives us summary art. It tries to define how we behave with money and everyone, we pretty much are, you can fall within those eight money archetypes Mo more than one. And it defines

[00:07:58] Viktoriia Miracle: What, it defines what?

[00:08:01] Saran Robinson: So, so yeah, the, the money archetype book, it gives an explanation, or it helps you to understand how you behave with money and it gives you, it tries to help you to be better at managing your money.

[00:08:13] Viktoriia Miracle: Awesome. Well, yeah, if you're watching all this something you can scroll down there is going to be a link to your web page, where then it will take you to the show notes where you can find all the information, all the links that we mentioned above and connect with Saran.

[00:08:28] And thank you, Saran for coming over, I know you are a little nervous it's that, you know, it's always, I always have my people that will go and speak publicly about what they're doing and sharing and it's always inspiring. Thank you so much for coming over and sharing your knowledge and wanting to inspire people.

[00:08:47] Saran Robinson: Thank you. Thank you so much for having me.

[00:08:50] Viktoriia Miracle: Yeah, and thank you for watching or listening to this episode. And if you have any advice or feedback or any questions for me, or for Saran, please do send her message or to me, and I would love to share your feedback.

[00:09:03] Thank you so much and I'll see you the next episode. Bye.


[00:00:06] Viktoriia Miracle: Hello. Hello and welcome to happy time happy money podcast and today we have Saran Robinson. Saran is a certified money coach who is passionate about helping individuals to achieve financial goals and understand how their emotions affect their money. Through her work. She helps millennials and women to understand in transform their relationship with money and to bring awareness to unconscious patterns and behaviors around money.

[00:00:37] Hi, and welcome Saran.

[00:00:39] Saran Robinson: Hi, Viktoriia. Thanks for having me.

[00:00:42] Viktoriia Miracle: Oh thanks for coming over. I would love to learn like your story, how you started and then that beautiful, beautiful girl.

[00:00:52] Saran Robinson: Yeah, sure. So wow. Who is Saran? So by day I'm a project manager in the financial services industry and my latest endeavor, which is my passion project have you kept the money coach. So with this, I pretty much, sorry, lost my train of thought there.

[00:01:14] Viktoriia Miracle: That's fine. So just tell us what, how did you come to do what you do right now? What inspired you to do what you're doing right now?

[00:01:22] Saran Robinson: Okay. So yeah, so I pretty much bumped into money coaching. I was just online research and I've always been very passionate about being smart with my money, making sure I was making the right choices with my money.

[00:01:36] I always, always had a budget, but for some reason I was never never able to stick to my budget. So I would always have a monthly budget, but I'd always overspend I'd always be going out shopping when I probably shouldn't. And so, I just started to read up online. I came across an article about a Mike Kosher.

[00:01:56] I was like, oh wow, this sounds exactly like something I would love to do. And so I started to do some more research and I found out about program where you were able to do like the money coaching program, but it was behavioral focused. So that to me was so different because typically when we talk about money, it's always about budgets or paying off debt.

[00:02:17] But with this one, it was able to focus more on your past. What happened to you as a child or what money experiences did you have as a child that's not impacting the way you be with money. And so of course I signed up for it and it was like the best decision ever, because even though I was trying to be smart with the money I had so many unconscious limiting beliefs or mindset, my mindset around money was just so I'm off, so to speak. So I wasn't able to achieve what I would've wanted to achieve because I had these limiting beliefs holding me back. And so that's why now I'm so passionate about really sharing my coaching with others so that they can understand what might be holding them back as well as to understand their past and how that impacts how they behave with money.

[00:03:13] Viktoriia Miracle: Wow. That's awesome. I've never heard anyone speaking from that perspective about money. I know that people say, okay, your past is important. What your parents told you, it's important on how like you grow up. It's important, but like emotions. So what does role, what emotions. Like, how would it, how it is shows up in our lives?

[00:03:35] Saran Robinson: So the thing is when it comes to money, we don't typically operate from a rational perspective. We tend to be more emotional and so that's the way how our brain sees money. It's almost as though it sees it from like, oh, it's what I want or what I desire. And so when you're out shopping or you're having a bad day, then you go and you do emotional shopping because at this point you're not being rational. You know, you probably shouldn't be doing it, but here you are nonetheless out spending money or you're out shopping when you shouldn't be, because we, money is really emotional and that's the way that we behave with it. If that makes sense.

[00:04:20] Viktoriia Miracle: So why is it also important to understand our path and history from that perspective?

[00:04:27] Saran Robinson: So research has shown that, kids, we develop most of her patterns between two to 12. And so the way you behave now today with the money, you probably inherited these from your parents. And for a lot of us, we have money stories based off our experiences, what our family might have said to us, our, how we probably saw our parents managing money.

[00:04:50] And we have these unconscious behaviors best to deciding how you behave with money. So for example, with some kids, they might grow up in a home where their mom was are their parents. They were very frugal. And so they might grow up into the total opposite. I spend the money because they felt as though for so long, they were being restrained.

[00:05:11] And so now they're doing the opposite and they're not realizing what's triggering them to be behaving in that manner. And so that's why I think it's so important to highlight what exactly is your past and what has happened to your own money and the beliefs that you have around money. And once you're aware of that, then you can truly change because when you try to address just what's happened such as, oh, I'm in debt or, oh, I need to save more money or when you do that, it's more like, you're just, that's just a symptom of the problem is not the real problem. And so it's really important to address the root reason that's causing me to behave this way with money.

[00:05:53] Viktoriia Miracle: I love that. So what is the number one mistake that you see people make in relation to money?

[00:06:02] Saran Robinson: The number one mistake I see people making in relation to money,

[00:06:10] I would say it's not understanding your history. Not knowing your money history. And so, as a result, for example, I think delayed gratification. It's a big one. I know that was, that's also something that I had struggled with for a while where I said I saw something I felt as though I should have it. And that's something that I think we definitely need to work on as a society.

[00:06:33] And save towards something, not because you can just swipe your credit card, but it's important to also be able to save and not put yourself in debt just because you want something now in the moment and so I think the delayed gratification would be a big one.

[00:06:49] Viktoriia Miracle: Awesome. And the last question I have for you that I always ask on this podcast is the fill in the blank question.

[00:06:56] So filling the blank for me. If you really knew me, you will know that I am blank.

[00:07:06] Saran Robinson: If you really knew me, then you would know that I am fun. I can be goofy and I absolutely love people. I love to do work that impacts people and to be able to make a difference or to make their lives better.

[00:07:25] Viktoriia Miracle: Thank you so much for sharing. And I know you have a free gift for our audience today. Can you share more about it?

[00:07:32] Saran Robinson: Yeah. Sure. So I'm my, if you go to my website, the budgetary.com, I do have a free ebook that has the eight money archetypes. And what this does is it gives us summary art. It tries to define how we behave with money and everyone, we pretty much are, you can fall within those eight money archetypes Mo more than one. And it defines

[00:07:58] Viktoriia Miracle: What, it defines what?

[00:08:01] Saran Robinson: So, so yeah, the, the money archetype book, it gives an explanation, or it helps you to understand how you behave with money and it gives you, it tries to help you to be better at managing your money.

[00:08:13] Viktoriia Miracle: Awesome. Well, yeah, if you're watching all this something you can scroll down there is going to be a link to your web page, where then it will take you to the show notes where you can find all the information, all the links that we mentioned above and connect with Saran.

[00:08:28] And thank you, Saran for coming over, I know you are a little nervous it's that, you know, it's always, I always have my people that will go and speak publicly about what they're doing and sharing and it's always inspiring. Thank you so much for coming over and sharing your knowledge and wanting to inspire people.

[00:08:47] Saran Robinson: Thank you. Thank you so much for having me.

[00:08:50] Viktoriia Miracle: Yeah, and thank you for watching or listening to this episode. And if you have any advice or feedback or any questions for me, or for Saran, please do send her message or to me, and I would love to share your feedback.

[00:09:03] Thank you so much and I'll see you the next episode. Bye.